Friday, October 16, 2020

Trade River - October 16, 2020

96 miles done ~ 2184 miles to go.  

Trade River & Straight Lake. (8 miles)

The word for today is snow. I ran into quite a variety of types of snow along the hike and during the drive home.

It started with flurries when I started from the parking area on 280th Avenue. I hadn't been expecting snow, but luckily I was prepared for cold temperatures. Actually the flurries were light and better than rain.

Then the snow turned to large wet flakes. This lasted from around the time I reached the river and did the short road connection and got back to the trail. It was pretty wet. It was interesting how the trail was so rocky along the river, so one must keep an eye out.

I took a slight break at the big basalt rock marked on my map, but then a fine pelting snow started up so I moved along. The trail is pretty easy going. Most of the leaves were off the trees so seeing the blazes was quite easy.

The melted snow on the leaves sparkled like diamonds. Then there were more rock formations near the start of the trail. Interesting ferns and curly black lichen.

I got back to the car for a short break before my last two miles. I hadn't seen anyone during my hike, but two cars were pulling out of the lot as I approached.

I left a water bottle behind and headed toward Straight Lake. I saw two other hikers going back to their car. They were glad to see another happy hiker.

As I approached the lake it appeared the sun wanted to break through the clouds. I was hoping for this because it would be beautiful to light up the golden tamarack trees on the west end of the lack.

Wonder Marty had missed hiking Trade River Segment so joined me for this short jaunt. I found a cap for him to keep the snow off. 

As I turned to go back a new type of snow started to fall. It was more like hail or that pellet styrofoam. I tried to hurry up to get back to the car.

I made a quick stop in Luck. Then the drive home was blizzard conditions. You could hardly see and in one spot the road was completely covered. A bit of a white nuckle drive until I made it to I-94. Then the sun came out.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 167

Costs: $8.11 for gas and $10.95 for food

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