Sunday, October 4, 2020

Dells of the Eau Claire - October 3, 2020

79 miles done ~ 2201 miles to go.  

Dells of the Eau Claire. (4.5 miles)

Yesterday I was able to enjoy a lovely hike with two wonderful people: Rob and Kieran. The weather was great and the fall colors spectacular. It was our first day of the 40 mile challenge in October. 

The trail runs along the river from the County Park to County Road Z. It is relatively flat however one must beware of rocks and roots. Thus looking around requires a stop so you don't trip along the way. As you cross the river on a lovely bridge make sure to stop for a photo and to enjoy the view in both directions.











The trail was fairly busy on this fall Saturday. Kieran enjoyed asking if we were there yet and breaking sticks on trees. And we even stopped for a sword fight. My dad's walking stick would have won that battle if other hikers didn't interrupt us.

Rob stopped often on the way out to take photos for his hiking blog and books. I stopped often as well because I love water and the river was rushing and babbling and quite picturesque.











This was a great segment to start our 40 mile challenge for the month of October. I have a feeling I may have to continue the rest of the journey on my own.

Happy Trails!

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