Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Gibralter Rock - July 12, 2020

80 miles done ~ 2200 miles to go.
Gibralter Rock. (1 mile)

This post is a little delinquent. I thought about ignoring it since it was such a short hike, but I suppose any little bit helps the cause. In July, after a visit to the family for my niece's graduation party, I stopped with Rob and Kieran for a quick hike up to the top of Gibralter Rock and back.



The views from the top are lovely and the gnarled cedars are very picturesque. The hike up to the rocky outcrop is not very strenuous. And seeing Lake Wisconsin and the turkey vultures soaring nearby is worth every minute.

I am glad I will get another chance to hike up to the top from the other direction.

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