Sunday, October 18, 2020

Chippewa Moraine - October 18, 2020

103 miles done ~ 2178 miles to go.  

Chippewa Moraine. (6.5 miles)


I arrived at the Obey Ice Age Interpretive Center around 10:30. The sun was shining, but it was chilly. The center is closed until further notice, which was disappointing.

On Friday there were hardly any leaves on the trees, but in the Chippewa Moraine there were still some colorful oak leaves that were set off by the sky reflected in all the lakes along the way.

This section is much more traveled and I ran into many families and couples hiking along the way. This section was much hillier than the last few weeks. I suppose that is to be expected of a moraine.

The sun disappeared for much of the hike and stopping at the many benches was appealing, but it seemed to cause the wind to start up and the temperature to drop by 20 degrees. Thus the stops were short. One bench among the white pines was sheltered so I could linger slightly longer.

I'm glad I turned around and didn't do the whole 7 miles. It seemed like the last two were all up hill so I was worn out when I reached the car. As a fellow hiker mentioned this was a great time to hike because you could see all the kettle lakes along the way. It was beautiful.

I think this means I only have 10 more miles for the 40 mile challenge. I might actually finish it.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 112

Costs: $5.44 for gas 

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