Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter

18 miles done ~ 2262 miles to go. 

Riegel Park to Mindy Creek in St. Croix Falls. (6 miles)

Happy Easter! When I was a kid we would always go for a Good Friday hike, but now I have to work so that hike doesn't happen very often. And this year I didn't spend the weekend with the family, so I made it an Easter hike.

And the word of the day was snow. March left like a lion and dumped 3-4 inches of snow on northern Wisconsin yesterday. Some places it must have been 5-6 inches. This made for a more strenuous hike. I think I have decided not to hike in snow any more. The extra effort is not worth it.

It is beautiful, all of the whites and blues and browns with a flash of yellow. I tried to follow in someone else's footsteps, but they seemed to be running or really tall because it seemed I walked two steps for every one they did. Although I followed tracks the whole way, I never found the people who made them. It is peaceful being out in the woods all alone. Hearing birds every once in a while and the wind through the trees is often the only company along the Ice Age Trail.

Much of my travels was on trail that had been constructed after my last hike so it was brand new to me. I know I came out at least one day to help build one of the sections, but it looks very different in winter.

I had hoped to make it to Lions Park, however, walking the cross-slope in Mindy Creek area was like balancing on a tightrope. Every other step, I was almost slipping down the steep slope, so I decided to turn back. 

I left little messages along the way - a heart here, the word "HI" there and had to make a snow angel. I hope it makes someone smile. 

The way back seemed more difficult today. Felt like I was going uphill the whole way. And even my own stride changed and I wondered if I was running or very tall because I couldn't step in my same tracks going back; this made me laugh.

A lovely cold, winter-like day in spring, but I was worn out when I was done.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 145
Costs: $8.73 for gas and $4.67 for breakfast

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