Saturday, April 21, 2018

First Road Connection

29 miles done ~ 2251 miles to go. 

River Road to Gandy Dancer State Trail. (9 miles)

Today I had the intention to walk 5 minutes, jog 5 minutes, walk 5 minutes for the 9 miles. Easy peasy, right?

As I started my first jog, a golden retriever came running and barking out into the road, so I stopped jogging. Second try, I heard another dog barking behind me. I wonder if I need to carry walking sticks for protection?

As I turned onto 160th Avenue, I started counting all the empty bottles of Sutter Home wine. I was up to 35, someone is drinking in their car. Luckily they were the small bottles. Lots of other beer cans and vodka bottles along this stretch. I wonder how long it would take if I picked up all the trash along the way?

I walked most of the way, because I found out it was all up hill from the St. Croix River. There go the jogging plans out the window.

Three horse farms along 160th Avenue. Some looked better than others. And then I saw a bald eagle soaring overhead, but my calm was disrupted by two small yippy dogs running out after me. 

The Gandy Dancer trail was still snow covered so I'm glad I chose the road. Even though the road back was all down hill, I walked most of the way because my left hip started hurting. Boy do I feel old. I even pre-medicated.

Overall it was lovely to be out in the sun and 50 degree weather.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 150

Costs: $9.25 for gas

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