Sunday, March 25, 2018

Second Day out

12 miles done ~ 2268 miles to go. 

Western Terminus to Riegel Park in St. Croix Falls. (7 miles)

I realized why the last time around we didn't hike in snow. It can be quite challenging going up and downhill in snowy conditions. My ice cleats might have come in handy.

I parked at the Ice Age Center in Interstate State Park and took the short hike to the terminus and back. I thought it wouldn't take me very long, seeing as it is less than a mile. However, from the get go it was pretty icy and poorly blazed. So even though I've hiked this section multiple times, I was a little wary. And they really mean it when they say trails are not maintained for winter. When I arrived at the parking area for the terminus trail I thought it would be a quick jaunt out and back. Not so, people walk wherever they want in the snow, so following tracks is not a good idea. Ended up at a dead end, so turned around and found the right path. 

I love the overlook of the St. Croix River and with the ice and snow it was beautiful. I decided to go back the same way and it was a little easier knowing where it was icy and where you had grip.

I directed a family to the overlook; I hope they followed the correct path. These were the only other people along the trail except for two sketchy teenagers building a fire in the shelter between the terminus and the center. 

When I got back an hour later, the interpretive center was open so I went in. Nice to use a bathroom and fill the water bottle.

Then I headed out again and followed the sign to the left, however I didn't see blazes for a while so was a little worried, but then I found an arrow. The road walk along Hwy 35 is not scenic, but there wasn't much ice or snow.

The Hospital Esker was quite scary going up and down the icy slopes twice. Yikes! But the view is wonderful. Another short road walk and the paths around the schools were pretty, but again well used and a bit slick. I really like the rocky section through Riegel Park. And the sun decided to come out for my walk back.

Last week I noticed that going back some of the trail looked different. In this case it was literally different. When I got back into Interstate Park, part of the way back was on a different trail. I think it had been detoured for skiing. 

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 145
Costs: $8.83 for gas and $7.50 for breakfast

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