Monday, April 16, 2018

After Blizzard Evelyn

20 miles done ~ 2260 miles to go. 

Viceroy Road to Lake Michigan. (2 miles)

I travelled to Sheboygan on Friday for the Ice Age Trail Annual Meeting, chased by a rain storm and blizzard.

So my friend Cheryl has been hosting me for the last three days. After being trapped for Saturday and Sunday, we decided to scout the roads. Some of the roads on my route home are still snow covered and slippery. So I had an unplanned day off, felt like I was playing hookie.

Since we were going out, we decided to break my rule from the last post-don't hike in snow. We grabbed two pairs of snowshoes and hiked a mile out and back.

We were feeling pretty good. We did find a frozen finch, which was very sad. It must have gotten confused in all of this snow and couldn't find food.

We took this selfie, but realized backing up in snowshoes does not work well. Thus the body print in the snow. We laughed very hard.

Our hike ended at a bench at Lake Michigan. The brown water, with the turquoise horizon and grey purple sky, set off the white snow. It was beautiful. We enjoyed a snack and were amazed at how we didn't feel cold. After the snack we looked over the edge of the dunes; the trail ended at an abrupt 6 foot dropoff to the beach below. Something will need to be done about this.

We headed back and we realized our snowshoes felt 20 pounds heavier than on the way out. And we realized we hadn't pre-medicated so we made sure to take some ibuprofen. We contemplated when a pleasant hike becomes a death march. Probably when the talking and laughing stops.

It was a beautiful winter hike. Oh, but if you note the date it is April 16th. When will spring arrive?

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