Sunday, October 7, 2018

Wayward Beaver Section

47 miles done ~ 2233 miles to go. 

Wayward Beaver Trail. (3.5 miles)

I was helping register hikers for the Chippewa Moraine Chapters Parade of Fall Colors hike in the morning at the Ice Age Center. (10/6/18) It was a bit chilly and cloudy, but 35 folks went out on the trail.

When registration was done, my friend returned from her 5 mile walk and we headed west to the end of the trail and back.

Fall colors were beginning. We commented on how the lime greens in fall were quite different from the lime green of the new leaves in spring. As are the reds and oranges.

We sat near a lake to eat our lunches and admire the reflections. However, the chill sets in quickly.

I related a poem I heard the week before by Japanese Buddhist monk/poet Ryokan.

Maple leaf
Falling down
Showing front
Showing back

So simple, yet it depicts fall and that one moment quite beautifully.

There were beautiful red mushrooms all along the trail. Along with many others, hidden in holes and hanging on tree bark.

It was a lovely walk and as we left for home the sun finally peeked out from behind the clouds.

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