Sunday, October 28, 2018

St. Croix Falls

52 miles done ~ 2228 miles to go. 

Mindy Creek and along the river. (5 miles)

I left this small section to do along the St. Croix River and through the Wert Family Nature Preserve, due to snow on Easter Sunday. However, it ended  up being three segments because of deep and fast flowing creeks.

My friend joined me for the short hike that started on River Road and headed south along the St. Croix river. There were quite a few wet spots that could use stepping stones or boardwalk. This fall has had a lot of rain. But the weather wasn't too cold so it was quite pleasant until we hit one creek that was not going to be easy crossing. But since we were going out and back we decided to go back and then approach it from the other direction. No problem.

So we drove to the Lion's Park and ate our sandwiches looking out over the river. After the short break we decided to go across Hwy 87 and walk the part of the Mindy Creek segment I didn't finish. It was not as wet and very little understory, so you could see the woods quite well. But a bit hillier. I enjoyed the oak leaf patterns underfoot. Each one is beautifully shaped, but layer the thin red oak leaves on the rounded white oak leaves and it is quite visually stunning.

A few slippery spots, but the crossing of Mindy Creek was well done by the Mobile Skills Crew in 2005. Some nice overlooks from up top.

After we reached the point I had stopped on Easter we headed back to the park and then went north along the river. There is a wide crushed stone path for much of the trail. It made for fast, dry walking. Then after the picnic area it  goes back to narrow trail, with some hills. Again we reached another deep swift flowing creek difficult to cross. We believe there was just one hill in between to complete the section. There were nice wooden crossings on the wide flat trail, so these are needed further along.

It was a great walk.
From picnic spot.

Stats for the trip: Miles to get to trail: 152

Costs: $10.57 for gas.

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