Sunday, April 18, 2021

Finished Chippewa Moraine - April 17, 2021

121 miles done ~2160 miles to go.
Chippewa Moraine. (5.2 miles)


My hiking buddy Cheryl visited for the Ice Age Trail annual meeting. Since the weather was so nice we took a hike to complete the Chippewa Moraine Segment. Sunny 50 degree weather was perfect.

We saw quite a few folks on our hike even some backpackers. The clouds reflected in the lakes along the way were lovely. And lots of hepatica blooming. Spring is here.



We were walking a little slowly and there was a lot of signage judging going on. Too many up arrows and over blazing with paint squares was getting on Cheryl's nerves. I thought it was just temporary reroute around the bridge underwater. So I walked ahead a little faster so I wouldn't end up leaving some miles orphaned. 

When I got back to Cheryl we turned back and found a place to sit and eat chocolate and oranges. Very lovely view.

The drive home was a little tense as I felt a tick crawling on my leg. Lovely weather brings out the ticks.



Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 122

Costs: $7.67 for gas 


Monday, December 7, 2020

Delafield Segment - December 4, 2020


116 miles done ~ 2165 miles to go

Delafield Segment. (2.62 miles)

I completed the Delafield Segment for a rest break on my way to visit my parents. I think it was really 2 miles, but my log said I had 2.62 miles left so I must have walked further earlier.

It was chilly, but sunny. And it was very easy walking along the paved Lake Country Trail. Seeing the lake was beautiful. I kept wondering why the Ice Age Trail doesn't go through Naga-waukee County Park. It would seem to be much more scenic than walking along Hwy 83.

Wonder Marty found this interesting piece of wood along the trail. And the light made the dry grasses glow. It was a nice day for a walk and it felt good stretching the legs after 3.5 hours of driving.


Saturday, October 31, 2020

Chippewa River-October 31, 2020

113 miles done ~ 2168 miles to go.  

Chippewa River. (2.4 miles)

I completed the 40 mile challenge today. Rob joined me for the last short jaunt through the woods.


There wasn't much snow remaining on the ground today. All the leaves were off the trees so there was a view of the river at many spots.











We stopped at Sam's Place for lunch in Cornell and then headed home. I only visited two trail communities, but during this pandemic it was hard to visit one. 

Stats for the trip:

Costs: $24.65 for lunch

Friday, October 30, 2020

Straight Lake - October 30, 2020

111 miles done ~ 2170 miles to go.  

Straight Lake. (7.8 miles)


Close to getting my 40 mile challenge done. Took the day off to drive up to Straight Lake. 


I decided not to wear my ice cleats to hike in and I made it pretty far without needing them. As I neared the lake itself there were some icy spots.



Today was all about the birds. On the drive to the trail there was a field full of Sandhill Cranes. And then a pond full of swans, geese and ducks. As I got onto Hwy 48 two bald eagles flew over and landed in a tree. And that was just the drive. As I approached Straight River a flock of ducks took off. I must have very heavy footfalls because as I approached the lake I scared up two bald eagles. A lone black duck took off as I stepped onto the stones crossing the outlet. Then I saw the two swans who didn't take off. But a bunch of ducks did.



Wonder Marty hiked with me today and found a moss that looked like a pine tree just his size. You can see some of the snow we struggled with. But amazingly the oak leaves marked the trail well and it was well traveled so not as much snow on the trail itself.

 I remembered coming across this boardwalk right after it was built. It still is quite amazing. The deer are even using it. Cheryl and I hiked this in summer and I don't remember seeing the river at all and there were only a few views of the lake. It is nice hiking in fall when all of that pretty water can be seen. And on the way back I scared up one last large bird. I'm not sure what it was. It had white marks on it's wings. Perhaps a goshawk?

Marty and I did the short road walk and then a half mile in on the Straight River segment. We had to see the big white pine marked on the map. However, we saw multiple so who knows which is the "one". Walking along the cornfields was a little creepy; I kept thinking of Children of the corn. The sun finally came out and was melting the snow and you could hear the ground sucking it in.

Nice day for a hike.


Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 145

Costs: $6.87 for gas  



Sunday, October 18, 2020

Chippewa Moraine - October 18, 2020

103 miles done ~ 2178 miles to go.  

Chippewa Moraine. (6.5 miles)


I arrived at the Obey Ice Age Interpretive Center around 10:30. The sun was shining, but it was chilly. The center is closed until further notice, which was disappointing.

On Friday there were hardly any leaves on the trees, but in the Chippewa Moraine there were still some colorful oak leaves that were set off by the sky reflected in all the lakes along the way.

This section is much more traveled and I ran into many families and couples hiking along the way. This section was much hillier than the last few weeks. I suppose that is to be expected of a moraine.

The sun disappeared for much of the hike and stopping at the many benches was appealing, but it seemed to cause the wind to start up and the temperature to drop by 20 degrees. Thus the stops were short. One bench among the white pines was sheltered so I could linger slightly longer.

I'm glad I turned around and didn't do the whole 7 miles. It seemed like the last two were all up hill so I was worn out when I reached the car. As a fellow hiker mentioned this was a great time to hike because you could see all the kettle lakes along the way. It was beautiful.

I think this means I only have 10 more miles for the 40 mile challenge. I might actually finish it.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 112

Costs: $5.44 for gas 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Trade River - October 16, 2020

96 miles done ~ 2184 miles to go.  

Trade River & Straight Lake. (8 miles)

The word for today is snow. I ran into quite a variety of types of snow along the hike and during the drive home.

It started with flurries when I started from the parking area on 280th Avenue. I hadn't been expecting snow, but luckily I was prepared for cold temperatures. Actually the flurries were light and better than rain.

Then the snow turned to large wet flakes. This lasted from around the time I reached the river and did the short road connection and got back to the trail. It was pretty wet. It was interesting how the trail was so rocky along the river, so one must keep an eye out.

I took a slight break at the big basalt rock marked on my map, but then a fine pelting snow started up so I moved along. The trail is pretty easy going. Most of the leaves were off the trees so seeing the blazes was quite easy.

The melted snow on the leaves sparkled like diamonds. Then there were more rock formations near the start of the trail. Interesting ferns and curly black lichen.

I got back to the car for a short break before my last two miles. I hadn't seen anyone during my hike, but two cars were pulling out of the lot as I approached.

I left a water bottle behind and headed toward Straight Lake. I saw two other hikers going back to their car. They were glad to see another happy hiker.

As I approached the lake it appeared the sun wanted to break through the clouds. I was hoping for this because it would be beautiful to light up the golden tamarack trees on the west end of the lack.

Wonder Marty had missed hiking Trade River Segment so joined me for this short jaunt. I found a cap for him to keep the snow off. 

As I turned to go back a new type of snow started to fall. It was more like hail or that pellet styrofoam. I tried to hurry up to get back to the car.

I made a quick stop in Luck. Then the drive home was blizzard conditions. You could hardly see and in one spot the road was completely covered. A bit of a white nuckle drive until I made it to I-94. Then the sun came out.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 167

Costs: $8.11 for gas and $10.95 for food

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Gandy Dancer and Trade River - October 11, 2020

88 miles done ~ 2192 miles to go.  

Gandy Dancer & Trade River. (8.9 miles)

Only got in 2 miles yesterday for the 40 mile challenge and they were miles I had done before in St. Croix Falls, so I needed to make up some mileage today. The drive north was beautiful and worth the trip.


It was a lovely fall day with perfect hiking temperatures. A day for the senses. The colors were still vibrant - yellows in particular, with reds and rust leaves for contrast. Also many birds flitting around. And enjoyed watching the leaves slowly drift to the ground. But the wind was strong so during one section there was a flurry of leaves and I thought about the Monty Python cartoon where one leaf falls from a tree then the rest all fall at once to leave it bare.

Wonder Marty joined me for my hike and wanted to stop and check out the sugar bush. The bright yellow leaves contrasted with the blue tubing woven between the trees. Quite an operation.

The sounds were also many. The wind rushing through the trees, plenty of birds and unfortunately traffic from Hwy 35.

And feeling the wind blowing against my skin and the crunching leaves underfoot made the hike quite enjoyable. This part of the hike was 5.7 miles.

When I got back to my car after the short road connect, I was still feeling pretty good. I changed into my hiking boots, grabbed a snack and my hiking stick and set out on the Trade River Ski trail segment. I had thought maybe I'd only do half of it, but finished the 2.6 miles easy peasy. The trail marking in the ski area was a bit confusing so pay close attention.

But once in the woods the trail was easy to follow despite all the leaves being yellow. Wonder Marty wanted to stop and enjoy the view of the lake.

After the short wooded area the trail skirts some farm fields where I harvested some milkweed seeds to try to plant in my yard. Then I turned around at 140th and headed back. It was a quick return journey.

I really enjoyed my day on the trail.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 162

Costs: $7.87 for gas