Saturday, April 11, 2020

I was in Luck - April 10, 2020

74 miles done ~ 2206 miles to go. 

Gandy Dancer State Trail. (8.0 miles)

I was in Luck yesterday. Luck, Wisconsin that is, enjoying the third stretch of the Gandy Dancer State Trail. I kept my social distance and saw very few people.

I parked in Luck and did 4.5 miles to mile 12 and back. It was sunny, but below freezing so the thin layer of ice made beautiful patterns. I met some wildlife on this part of my walk. First two huge geese were on the trail. I thought perhaps they would move down toward the water, but no they started walking ahead of me, honking and putting up a loud racket. Then finally took off flying.

Next, I met Lacy the yellow lab. She came out onto the trail barking the whole time. I know her name because they called her, but she didn't go home. I brought out my good "go for a walk" voice, but she kept barking. I knew she was more frightened of me when I took a step and she jumped back. So I walked on and she followed behind until the path back to her house.

The rest of this leg was just me and the spring peepers and chorus frogs. At one point I could hear them just over the road noise. It was interesting when they were in water close to the trail, I would hear them then they would go quiet as I walked by. There was usually one that kept calling after the others, as if they didn't get the cue from the rest. Then a sudden stop when I was too near. 

In town there is quite the pavilion museum dedicated to Hanne Ravnholt and the local creameries. You must checkout the large butter churn barrel.

I sat at the nice bench at the trailhead to eat a Kind bar and take some more ibuprofen. Then I set out north. This is where I saw 4 people and I realized 8 miles might have been a little too much. I did a little mindful walking where I kept my breath and steps in synchronization. More frogs to quiet on this stretch.

It was such a nice sunny day I am glad I made it to mile post 16 and back.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 161

Costs: $5.71 for gas