Sunday, September 8, 2019

Lapham Peak

63.5 miles done ~ 2216.5 miles to go. 

Lapham Peak-County Road C. (4.0 miles)

A second stretch of the Lapham Peak area. 

I had two hours to hike on my way home after visiting family. The weather was cool and cloudy; perfect hiking weather. And a breeze kept the mosquitoes away.

I started off from the evergreen parking area. I love the huge oak trees. After traversing the three boardwalks completed during an MSC project in 2015, I crossed over the ski trail into a wonderful stretch of trail. It was magical among the tall oaks with little understory. And the new trail was well worn and an easy walk uphill to the tower.

Then the other side of the hike. It was filled with opposites. Steep downhills that
made my knees ache. I wonder how one reaches a certain age and all joints seem to stop working properly. I was hoping going back up would be less painful. I was grateful for my walking stick. Then as I approached the end of the first hour I neared Hwy 83. The traffic noise was deafening and then I heard helicopters and airplanes. It seemed so harsh after the relative quite of the woods.

So I turned around to escape the noise and couldn't. It was always a gentle hum in the distance. But then slowly approaching me down the trail was a buck. It was in no hurry and I
was able to take a few pictures. It stopped, but then kept coming down the trail straight toward me. Then at about 10 feet he decided to go into the woods. It seemed like I could have gone up and touched him.

The uphill back to the tower wasn't as hard as going down. I decided to save my knees and not go up the tower. With the overcast skies I didn't think the view would be great.

So I continued down the hill through the huge oaks at a much more gradual slope. There were a lot of people out on the trail, which is so nice to see. Most of the time you hardly see a soul.

I made it back within two hours and was on my way.