Sunday, November 25, 2018

Gandy Dancer Trail Part 2

59.5 miles done ~ 2220.5 miles to go. 

Gandy Dancer State Trail. (7.5 miles)

A second stretch of the Gandy Dancer State Trail - the straight and not so narrow. 

I parked in Milltown and did 4 miles to 200th Ave and back. It went pretty quickly. Was able to jog a bit. However, it was colder than I thought and my joints were not very happy. 

Not much to see today; so I'll mention many of the sounds. I heard dogs barking right off the bat. Then the creak of trees in the wind. Hopefully they will make it through the winter. Scared up a bird, and some chipmunks.

As I said, it was colder than I thought, so note to self, Camelback tubes freeze in the cold. So I could hear the slosh of water for a while. Then the crunch of the tube as it froze.

I stopped back at my car to get some water and change my camera battery; I think the cold drained it. Took some extra ibuprofen for the joints and went north, to do another 3.5 miles. A dog came out on the trail as I was eating my Clif bar; I threw a chunk at it since it was barking at me. It didn't notice it, but  luckily it was a friendly dog.

I wish the sun would have come out to warm me up a bit and make the day last a little longer. It started to get dark as I headed back to the car.

Stats for the trip: Roundtrip miles to get to trail: 148

Costs: $8.42 for gas