Saturday, May 19, 2018


43.5 miles done ~ 2236.5 miles to go. 

Deerfly Trail. (1.5 miles)

The Chippewa Moraine Chapter had a workday today and I thought we'd cover more of the trail. However, we cleared more logging road in order for a truck to bring in the lumber for the new bridge.

So it was only about a mile and a half out and back on actual trail. We did get to walk on part of the new trail. It was a pleasant day, since the temperature dropped, but the ticks are out. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

42 miles done ~ 2238 miles to go. 

Road Connect. (4 miles)

I was already visiting in Merrill so I headed a short distance north to do a short section of road walk near the Underdown section. 

The colors of new leaves were intense - lime green, red, orange, olive. The fiddle heads were coming up and starting to unfurl. Birds were singing and I got to enjoy a view of a quiet lake. 

I wish all days could be so pleasant.

Stats for the trip: Extra miles to get to trail: 34.3

Costs: $2.84 for gas, $7.80 for lunch.